Oracle Readings


One of the most exciting things about oracle cards is their ability to provide gentle guidance for any area of your life. However, it's important to ask the right questions in order to receive this guidance. I've noticed that the questions I ask greatly influence the outcome of the reading. While I have a few go-to questions, such as "What do I need to know today?" and "What's coming up for me?", it's important to ask more specific and powerful questions in order to receive a clear message from the universe or higher powers. In order to help you get the most out of your card readings, I've included some powerful and specific questions below.

General questions to ask your oracle cards

Please show me 3 cards which represent the past, present and future

What is coming up for me? 

What do I need to improve on?

How can I protect my energy?

What do I need to work on personally? 

What do I need to release, so I can move forward? 
What is most important for me right now? 
What steps should I take next to get more in touch with myself and my higher powers? 
What opportunities are available to me that I should take action on? 
What lesson am I being urged to learn?
It is imperative that you EMAIL at your questions so that I can start you reading. 
- All readings are completed within 24 hours of the emailed question/s.

For one card reading it is One Question
For three cards, three questions 
For five cards you can be a little more broad, a single question or multiple as this is a more in-depth spread
This is strictly a virtual service and is delivered via the email on your order.

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